Corporate Governace


Sabrimala Industries India Limited is committed to good governance policies and practices that maintain and enhance the organization’s wealth generating capacity.

Company strives to foster a Good Corporate Culture in which high standards of ethical behaviour, individual accountability and transparent disclosure are exhibited by the company in its dealings, Board of Directors, Management and Employees.

Our Company stands committed to good corporate governance practices based on the principles such as accountability, transparency in dealings with our stakeholders, emphasis on communication and transparent reporting. We have complied with the requirements of the applicable regulations, including the Listing Agreement executed with the Stock Exchanges and the SEBI Regulations, in respect of corporate governance including constitution of the Board and Committees thereof. The corporate governance framework is based on an effective independent Board, separation of the Board’s supervisory role from the executive management team and constitution of the Board Committees, as required under law.

Important Notice: As the Company doesn’t fall in the preview of the norms of Corporate governance,  the items report on Corporate Governance, Auditor’s certification of Corporate Governance, Code of Conduct, CEO/CFO certification are not mandatorily required to be disclosed by the company in its Annual Report for financial years under consideration. However, the Company undertakes to adhere to all the compliance of the corporate governance norms as and when they become applicable to the Company

Corporate Governance

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We have a Board constituted in compliance with the Companies Act and the Listing Agreement in accordance with best practices in corporate governance. The Board functions either as a full Board or through various committees constituted to oversee specific operational areas. Our executive management provides the Board detailed reports on its performance periodically.

Currently our Board has 5 Directors. We have 2 Executive Non-Independent Director, 1 Non-Executive Non-Independent Director and 2 Independent Non-Executive Directors. The constitution of our Board is in compliance with the requirements of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

In order to have an efficient and effective control, the company has formed the following committees:

1. Audit Committee

Our Company has constituted an Audit Committee, as per the provisions of Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 18 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The terms of reference of Audit Committee complies with the requirements of Regulation 18 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The committee presently comprises following three (3) directors. Mr. Surinder Babbar is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Company Secretary is the Secretary of our Audit Committee:

Composition of Audit Committee

S. No. Name of the Director Status Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Surinder Babbar Chairman Independent Director
2. Mr. Tapan Gupta Member Whole Time Director
3. Mr. Varun Mangla Member Independent Director
2. Nomination and Remuneration committee

Our Company has constituted a nomination and remuneration committee (“Nomination and Remuneration Committee”). The committee currently comprises of three (3) Directors. Mr. Varun Mangla is the Chairman of the nomination and remuneration committee.

Composition of Nomination and Remuneration committee

S. No. Name of the Director Status Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Varun Mangla Chairman Independent Director
2. Ms. Sheela Gupta Member Director (Non Executive Director)
3. Mr. Surinder Babbar Member Independent Director
3. Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Our Company has constituted a Stakeholders relationship Committee / investors grievance committee (“Stakeholders relationship committee / Investors Grievance Committee”) to redress the complaints of the shareholders. The committee currently comprises of three (3) Directors and Mr. Surinder Babbar is the Chairman of the Stakeholders relationship Committee / Investors Grievance committee.

Composition of Stakeholders Relationship Committee

S. No. Name of the Director Status Nature of Directorship
1. Mr. Surinder Babbar Chairman Independent Director
2. Ms. Sheela Gupta Member Director (Non Executive Director)
3. Mr. Varun Mangla Member Independent Director

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